Inflatable Boats, tenders, boats, inflatable, free delivery, Canada

Seabright, Nova Scotia

Transport Canada Compliant
CE Certified

855 734 4973     toll free
902 489 2663          local

Inflatable Boats

We have a 5 Star Google Rating !

** Ends Apr 30th**

** See individual model pages for details **

Why SeaBright ?

7 Year Warranty
See FAQ Page For Details

Thermo Welded Seams

FiberGlass Transoms (FRP)

Premium Mehler-Valmex® PVC Fabric (Germany)
..... click here to visit Mehler website

Premium Pennel-ORCA® HYPALON Fabric (Belgium)
..... click here to visit Pennel-ORCA website

Extra Bottom Protection
High Pressure Safety Relief Valves
Internally Operated Drain Plugs
Protective Straking All Around
Splash Guard With Integrated Grab Rope
And Much More ...

Still better to Buy your new boat in Canada
(from SeaBright Marine)
WHY ???

- Horrible CAD/USD exchange rate - Between $1.30 and $1.40 CAD for $1.00 USD
- No Duty - Boats purchased in the US are subject to a 9.5% duty if manufactured in Asia.
- No border brokerage fees
- Boats purchased in the US are subject to Brokerage fees.
- Fast Shipping - Boats purchased in the US will take several weeks to arrive.
- Superior Materials - Our PVC and Hypalon fabrics are highest quality available.
- Better Warranty - It is difficult to have warranties honoured on boats purchased in the US.
- Great prices - Our aim is to provide high quality at reasonable prices
- All Inclusive - Our boats include all options as standard equipment ... no extra costs.

*** When you add up all of the extra costs associated with purchasing a boat in the US (9.5% duty, border brokerage fees, extra charges for features that are standard in our boats), and factor in the reality that it will take significantly longer to receive your boat and that it will be difficult (or impossible) to have warranty claims honoured, it will be clear that the best value is still a SeaBright inflatable boat. ***

Superior Raw Materials

Genuine Mehler-Valmex® PVC from Germany is used in all of our PVC inflatable boats ( click here to visit Mehler Website ). This PVC fabric is widely regarded in the industry as being the premium quality PVC fabric available in the marketplace today, and is the fabric of choice for most high quality inflatable boat companies.

All of our Hypalon inflatable boats are made with genuine Pennel ORCA Hypalon® from Belgium ( click here to visit Pennel-ORCA Website ). This fabric (along with Achilles® Hypalon from Japan) is widely regarded in the industry as being the premium quality Hypalon fabric available in the marketplace today, and is the Hypalon fabric of choice for most high quality inflatable boat companies.

Extensive Research

There are an increasing number of companies in North America that are selling inflatable boats for prices that at first glance seem to be very affordable. Without exception these boats are being manufactured with Chinese or Korean PVC. It is always advisable to verify where the raw materials are made before purchasing any boat.

Knowing that there are now many poor quality inflatable boats in the marketplace, we have conducted extensive research including personally visited many manufacturing facilities.

Beware of similar looking boats that are manufactured using
"no name" Asian Fabric.

"Custom Made" To Our Specifications

The companies that we have chosen to be our suppliers are two of the top producers of quality inflatable boats in Asia and they produce "custom made" boats for us according to our own specifications.

Best Value In Canada

At SeaBright Marine we disagree with the notion that marine products need to be expensive.  Our goal is to provide the Nova Scotian and the Canadian boating community with a quality inflatable boat that is attractive, practical, and affordable.

Quality and Service

We firmly believe that our products and our customer service represents the best value available in Canada, and the vast majority of our customers agree with us. Please take a look at our "Testimonials" page, as well as our FaceBook and Google reviews, for some of their comments.

We have sold OVER 4,000 inflatable boats to customers all over Canada since 2004 and chances are that there is at least one SeaBright inflatable boat at your local Marina.